Atlantic University Future

(Q)  Regarding the plans discussed by [195] and [900] for the
establishment of a college at Virginia Beach, are these
(A)  Realizable, plausible, feasible – and not ONLY
this.  These may, through their fullness of purport, gain for
themselves and millions of others such a center, such an
institution.  The Association of Learning, in the field that
would bring the more perfect understanding for self and for

(Q)  Are we not right in formulating plans first to
appropriate ten million dollars, to be obtained from the
machine [perpetual motion], for the university, and secondly
to make the university a university in every sense of the word –
(A)  Absolutely correct!  and would be maintained through the
very phases of the PHENOMENA as would bring, and will bring
about, the more perfect understanding OF the universality of
force through the very channels that would bring the MATERIAL
means for such an undertaking.

(Q)  When should we just begin to –
(A)  At once in mind, for Mind is ever the Builder – and as
these are builded in the mental forces of the individual
there is added to same the abilities of all the COSMIC forces
as would see such an undertaking realized; which has been the
DREAM of all – and had any of the teachers established such,
how vast the difference in the world’s map!
Work Reading 254-48  3/7/1929

Personal Prosperity

I’ve been very blessed to be a part of the continuing work of ARE.

I wish each Board member continued personal success.

To make an unusual success one must BE a success.
Nothing succeeds like success.  Have faith in yourself, have
faith in God and your fellow man.  These are necessary for
unusual success.  First faith in God, second faith in self,
third faith in thine fellow man, but don’t put the cart
before the horse!  5489-1


ARE Trustee Prosperity Blog

Welcome to the ARE / AU / ECF Trustee Prosperity Blog!

We welcome your comments to help support the work of Edgar Cayce’s ARE, Atlantic University and Edgar Cayce Foundation.

Prosperity AffirmationAffirmation
In the name of the Christ Spirit, I am thankful for all that I have been provided. I choose to be a good steward of all the abundance that flows to and through me. I also affirm and appreciate all the abundance that flows to the A.R.E., enabling the organization to help people change their lives for the better in many different ways. Amen.

Thanks for your support!



 I am the prosperous child of an abundant universe. All that I desire for my growth and my ability to help others – physically, mentally and spiritually – is available to me. I am drawing to myself and Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E./Atlantic University/Edgar Cayce Foundation an abundance of health, happiness, harmony, and financial security.