Personal Prosperity

I’ve been very blessed to be a part of the continuing work of ARE.

I wish each Board member continued personal success.

To make an unusual success one must BE a success.
Nothing succeeds like success.  Have faith in yourself, have
faith in God and your fellow man.  These are necessary for
unusual success.  First faith in God, second faith in self,
third faith in thine fellow man, but don’t put the cart
before the horse!  5489-1


12 thoughts on “Personal Prosperity”

  1. Gorg,
    It’s great that you are focusing on being calm and trusting. Our hopes, thoughts and prayers are for your highest good in body, mind and spirit. May His peace be with you always as these changes in your life unfold.

  2. Just a follow-up on our final moving sale for our house in Cameron Park. We made a fair amount of money and what we didn’t sell is going to the local thrift store that supports a very nice local hospice. We had another would-be buyer come by the house; our realtor is still showing the place in case the buyers cannot get the VA loan they are applying for. The house is nearly empty now, but so much better than when we bought it. It’s been an axiom of mine to leave a place better than when I found it. I will do the same for the next abode, whether a rental or a place I will buy. Feeling pretty calm about the whole weekend.

  3. Another interesting yet challenging event under the Personal Prosperity rubric: as most of you know, under the terms of my impending divorce, our home was going to be sold. This is a house whose original purchase I described in an article for Venture Inward in 2009. This article is just being published in the Jan-March 2015 issue! Back then, the Universe verified that the house was right and proper for us. Now, we’ve hit some snags since the house was listed in April. A buyer appeared out of the woodwork when I returned from the ARE Tour in England and Scotland. But now, he’s hit a snag with VA disallowing his military service. We gave him two extra weeks to close escrow. Meanwhile, we’re still moving according the initial timeline of October 24th; we’ve been packing, the movers came and picked up the larger items for my Mom’s house. I’ve been praying daily for a positive resolution. My husband is very let down and doesn’t like the uncertainty. I’ve been channeling my prayers to “Lord, I’m in no hurry for the present moment to end. Let me see and do that which will increase my understanding of the situation.” That, coupled with the reading quote he gave me earlier, has proven to increase my calm and my energy while packing up a house I didn’t particularly want to leave. Last week, I started thanking the house itself for all its wonderful gifts to me personally. The garden, the covered patio, the bright kitchen, and the wonderful master bath. This week, we’ve seen a high yield on our garage sale and perhaps another buyer if the first one can’t pull it together. Once again, my husband said to me tonight, that the Universe is helping us once again. I reminded him that it had helped us buy the house; how could the Universe do less when selling the house? John Van Auken talked about upsetting change. After the December 21, 2012 shift, much of the change we see and hear is upsetting change. But change is part of existence, and change can be seen as positive in the midst of sadness/negativity. We have our last moving sale tomorrow. What will it bring? Stay tuned…

  4. I would like to comment on what a wonderful group of articles are in the latest Venture Inward! Prosperity also comes in the form of information and encouragement to our membership and the latest issue is packed with both. Thanks must go to all who contributed articles and helped produce the finished product. I am filled with gratitude for all their work and the fruit it will bear.

  5. Paul just figured out how to get me back on the blog so here are some thoughts now that we have shifted from summer to fall mode and the November meeting approaches. First, we have a tremendous board that has channeled it collective energy in a very positive direction. All the boards I have served with have been strong and very dedicated, and we seem to be gaining momentum. Likewise the staff at A.R.E., A.U. and E.C.F. are currently top rate from my perspective. Without hesitation I could praise each of the directors but as I reflect on the past year I offer a big shout out to John Van Auken, Jo Adamson and Jennie Taylor Martin. The staff is a credit to Kevin and his leadership but also to the board which sets policy and holds the consciousness of the organizations. Good people don’t just show up, they are attracted. As we hold to the ideals inn our mission statements we cannot go wrong. I am looking forward to being with you all in November.

  6. Think on This…
    God seeks all to be one with Him. And as all things were made by Him, that which is the creative influence in every herb, mineral, vegetable, or individual activity is that same force ye call God–and seeks expression! Even as when God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. For, this is law; this is love.
    Reading 294-202

  7. Love hearing about those ‘little miracles’ Gorg.
    I found this today in the readings while looking for something else. That’s another type of prosperity for me to look for one gem and find a second one, and about Prosperity of all things.
    This is from a reading for the Glad Helpers (281-25) group about how the work in the Temple Beautiful of Ancient Egypt could help the Glad Helpers in their work. Nine affirmations were given in this reading. Here is the 5th one:


  8. Personal prosperity examples for me generally include some sign or portent or some sort. Occasionally, that still small Voice comes through. I must admit that I put personal prosperity on the back-burner for the last few months and concentrated all those energies on the Grand Opening and the daily affirmation for the ARE. Last week, the Voice got my attention that resulted in two key purchases at extremely low prices for my future home. Today, three signs in a row: rescued a ladybug from the pool where I lap swim (normally not at this elevation), then getting out of the pool, two bumbles bees persisted in dancing around my head as I showered and walked to the car, and finally, I found a quarter getting into the car to leave for the yoga studio, all within an hour. To make it even more interesting, there are lots of dead zones here in this area of the Sierras: no phone service or even TV service unless you have satellite, and in one such dead zone, my cell phone registered a call that I was able to answer, shocking the people in the salon since none of their cell phones works inside the building. It was a realtor asking me to show my home tomorrow. When I got home, I lit a candle. Who am I to argue with the Universe?

  9. Many thanks to the Trustee Prosperity Group and others who have given of themselves. It has been a great journey. Passports are optional.

  10. Having worked with the trustees in this effort now for four years I can attest to the facts that it does indeed work. Giving to others in material, spiritual, and emotional levels does indeed create a vacuum into which blessings flow. Not a tit for tat kind of purchase arrangement but a flow of good that comes back in immeasurable ways, filling voids, over-flowing expectations, creating goodness that one can’t quite put a finger on how or why. It just comes without distinction, when love is given in whatever form provided the opportunity. Give LOVE without expectations and you will receive without bounds. Love is truly all you need.

    1. Right on, Rich. Everything is energy and vibration and we souls have this amazing power to channel it or block it through the power of our minds. Giving opens one to receiving just as forgiving opens one to being forgiven. Simple but not easy. Life is a glorious experience and made more so by association with like minded persons. Blessings.

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