Fwd: #1 Preparations for the Birth

From Wes Wyatt, a member of my SFG group > >> >> *_Christmas Inspiration_* >> >> When I first arrived in Virginia Beach, VA. in 1975 to research the >> Edgar Cayce readings I was particularly moved when I discovered a >> series of psychic readings by Edgar Cayce on the preparations for the >> birth of Jesus, the birth itself and a reading that described Jesus >> in detail. >> >> It has been a tradition of mine every since to re-read these readings >> during the holidays both to re-inspire myself, and to hopefully >> inspire others. > >> I’ll send each of the Cayce readings separately due to the size of each. >> I have numbered the emails so that they can be read consecutively. >> >> I hope you find the same inspiration I do in reading them. May they >> remind us of the sacredness of what is being celebrated at this time >> of year. >> >> Have a joyous Christmas ! >> >> >> #1 – *PREPARATIONs* > > *TEXT OF READING 5749-7* > > This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic > Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 27th day of June, 1937, in > accordance with request made by the self – Mr. Thomas Sugrue, Active > Member of the Ass”n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. > > P R E S E N T > > Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Tom and > Mary Sugrue, and Hugh Lynn Cayce. > > R E A D I N G > > Time of Reading 302 W. 12th St., 11:35 to 12:05 A. M. Eastern Standard > Time. New York City. > > 1. GC: You will have before you the entity Thomas Sugrue, present in > this room, seeking the life of the Master and its history in the > material world. Then you will answer the questions he submits, as I > ask them. > > 2. EC: Yes, we have the entity, Thomas Sugrue; the desires, the > purposes for the desire to know the material history of the life of > the Master in the material world. > > 3. Much might be given as to how or why and when there were the > purposes that brought about the materialization of Jesus in the flesh. > > 4. In giving then the history: There were those in the faith of the > fathers to whom the promises were given that these would be fulfilled > as from the beginning of man’s record. > > 5. Hence there was the continued preparation and dedication of those > who might be the channels through which this chosen vessel might enter > – through choice – into materiality. > > 6. Thus in Carmel – where there were the priests of this faith – there > were the maidens chosen that were dedicated to this purpose, this > office, this service. > > 7. Among them was Mary, the beloved, the chosen one; and she, as had > been foretold, was chosen as the channel. Thus she was separated and > kept in the closer associations with and in the care or charge of this > office. > > 8. That was the beginning, that was the foundation of what ye term the > Church. > > 9. Then, when the days were fulfilled that the prophecy might come > that had been given by Isaiah, Malachi, Joel and those of old, she – > Mary, espoused to Joseph – a chosen vessel for the office among those > of the priests, the sect or group who had separated and dedicated > themselves in body, in mind, in spirit for this coming became with child. > > 10. Then, as the record is given, that is the common knowledge of > most, there was born in Bethlehem of Judea that entity, that soul, Jesus. > > 11. There was the period of purification according to the law, and > then the days in the temple and the blessing by Anna and by the high > priest. > > 12. And these made for those days of the beginning of the entity > called Jesus – who becomes the Christ, the Master of Masters – in the > days when there was the return to Nazareth and then the edict that > sent them into Egypt that the prophecy was fulfilled, “My son shall be > called from Egypt. ” > > 13. There five years were spent, as ye term time – by the mother, > Joseph, and the child. > > 14. Then there was the return to Judea and to Capernaum, where dwelt > many of those who were later the closer companions of the Master. > > 15. Here, after the period again of presentation at the temple, when > there were those questionings among the groups of the leaders, the > entity then was sent first – again – into Egypt for only a short > period, and then into India, and then into what is now Persia. > > 16. Hence in all the ways of the teachers the entity was trained. > > 17. From Persia he was called to Judea at the death of Joseph, and > then into Egypt for the completion of the preparation as a teacher. > > 18. He was with John, the messenger, during the portion of the > training there in Egypt. > > 19. Then to Capernaum, Cana, and those periods of the first > preparation in the land of the nativity. > > 20. The rest ye have according to Mark, John, Matthew and Luke; these > in their order record most of the material experiences of the Master. > > 21. Many of details may be given in the varied fields of the > preparation, but these were the experiences. > > 22. Ready for questions. > > 23. (Q) Explain the immaculate conception. > (A) As flesh is the activity of the mental being (or the spiritual > self and mental being) pushing itself into matter, and as spirit – as > He gave – is neither male nor female, they are then both – or one. > > And when man had reached that period of the full separation from > Creative Forces in the spirit, then flesh as man knows it today became > in material plane a reality. > > Then, the immaculate conception is the physical and mental so attuned > to spirit as to be quickened by same. > > Hence the spirit, the soul of the Master then was brought into being > through the accord of the Mother in materiality that ye know in the > earth as conception. > > 24. (Q) Explain the relationship of the Wise Men and Jesus’ birth? > (A) As indicated by the travels of the Master during the periods of > preparation, the whole earth, the whole world looked for, sought the > closer understanding. Hence through the efforts of the students of the > various phases of experiences of man in the earth, as may be literally > interpreted from the first chapters of Genesis, ye find that those > that subdued – not that were ruled by, but subdued the understandings > of that in the earth – were considered, or were in the position of the > wise, or the sages, or the ones that were holy; in body and mind, in > accord with purposes. > > Hence we find the Wise Men as those that were seekers for the truth, > for this happening; and in and through the application of those forces > – as ye would term today psychic – we find them coming to the place > “where the child was.” Or they were drawn as those that were giving > the thanks for this Gift, this expression of a soul seeking to show > wayward man back to God. > > So they represent in the metaphysical sense the three phases of man’s > experience in materiality; gold, the material; frankincense, the ether > or ethereal; myrrh, the healing force as brought with same; or body, > mind, soulk. > > These were the positions then of the Wise Men in their relationship, > or to put into the parlance of the day – they were the encouragement > needed for the Mother and those that had nourished, that had cherished > this event in the experience of mankind. > > They came during the days of purification, but to be sure only after > she was purified were they presented to the Child. > > 25. (Q) What relation did they have with the later travels of Jesus? > (A) As has just been indicated, they represented then the three phases > of man’s experience as well as the three phases of the teacher from > Egypt, from Persia, from India. > > 26. (Q) Did Mary and Joseph have any other children? > (A) James, Jude, and the daughter. > > 27. (Q) Does the immaculate conception, as explained, concern the > coming of Mary to Anne, or Jesus to Mary? > (A) Of Jesus to Mary. > > 28. (Q) Was Mary immaculately conceived? > (A) Mary was immaculately conceived. [See 2067-11, Par. 9-A.] > > 29. (Q) How long was the preparation in progress before Mary was chosen? > (A) Three years. > > 30. (Q) In what manner was she chosen? > (A) As they walked up the steps! > > 31. (Q) Was there any appearance of the angel Gabriel in the home? > (A) In the temple when she was chosen, in the home of Elizabeth when > she was made aware of the presence by being again in the presence of > the messenger or forerunner. > > Again to Joseph at the time of their union. Again (by Michael) at the > time when the edict was given. > > 32. We are through for the present. > > 33. We would continue. > >> * >> * >> * >> * >> * >> * >> >> >

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